These are optional modules that can be incorporated into specific MoneyWorks 9 data files, and, if enabled for a document, are installed automatically.

We have extended the architecture of MoneyWorks Gold, Express and Cashbook to allow for MoneyWorks Services.

MoneyWorks Datacentre requires 64 bit (clients can be 32 or 64 bit). The new system requirements for MoneyWorks 9 are: If you elect not to pay the maintenance, your MoneyWorks will keep working fine, but you will not be able to use a later version until you catch up with your maintenance (which will keep accruing). After this, you will be asked to renew your software maintenance for another twelve months (at a rate of just 1% per month of the retail value for Gold and Express). When you get MoneyWorks 9 (either through an upgrade or a purchase), the price includes the first twelve months of software maintenance. To cover the costs of future development, we are introducing an optional annual software maintenance fee. This will enable faster development and deployment, will be far less disruptive for MoneyWorks users, and has worked extremely well for MoneyWorks Datacentre users over the last ten years. With MoneyWorks 9 we are moving away from large upgrades, and, in keeping with industry norms, will be providing more frequent and smaller updates.

There are some “big ticket” items like a full asset register in MoneyWorks Gold, and smaller productivity improvements like being able to search in the print preview, or insert a line anywhere into a transaction instead of just at the end. The remainder of this newsletter contains important information about MoneyWorks 9: This is a major upgrade from MoneyWorks 8, with significant new features and capabilities.